Lifting Equipment for a Safe Workplace

Lifting equipment that minimizes the strain on backs, knees and shoulders 

TAWI manufactures a complete line of ergonomic lifting equipment. Ergonomics is about adjusting work and work environments to the needs of the employees. Good ergonomics is an effective way of making your business more productive and profitable. Workplace efficiency can be improved dramatically with solid ergonomic lifting aids that offer ways to keep employees safe, stay effective, speed production process, and save companies time and money. TAWI has been facilitating ergonomic material handling for decades, and by customizing our solutions to your specific needs we can guarantee that our lifting equipment will help lift your business.

lifting equipment for safe workplace

The TAWI VacuMoveVacuCobra, and ViperHoist lifting equipment are all certified by the Association of Healthy Back – Better Living and the Federal Association of German Back Schools, also known as the Aktion Gesunder Rücken (Campaign for Healthier Backs). The AGR seal of approval awards products that had their back-friendly construction tested by an independent review panel of medical and scientific experts.

Lifting and forceful movements along with bending and twisting in awkward postures are all key factors to the cause of MSD (musculoskeletal disorders). Our vacuum lifting equipment has the capacity to lift up to 600 lbs with ease and efficiency without causing any strain to your back. We handle goods of all shapes, sizes and weights. Our battery operated lifting equipment offers mobility and ease of lifting all sorts of products including; turning rolls, drums, and handling boxes with capacities up to 440 lbs.

lifting equipment for safe workplace

Based on a unique concept, TAWI products have been developed into a versatile system for simpler, safer and more effective lifting. Our lifting equipment is ergonomically designed to reduce the strain on backs, knees and shoulders and at the same time create a more safe and effective handling of goods. It truly is about health and safety when it comes to TAWI lifting equipment.

Contact us today for more information.


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